Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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I felt like i was gonna strip it using just channel locks! Its also possible i was stoned and trying to turn it the wrong way as i sat and thought about it! Actually pretty sure i was! May also need to go get something to spray on that nut cuz quite rusty around it!

*add on*
Forgot to hit post reply so i am back! I can’t get anything on there without feeling like it was not getting a good grip and was stripping! My channel locks are adjustable and they don’t wanna stay where u set it just slips back closed and even couple times i got em to stay open i have no room to grab ahold and then turn cuz i either hit the wall, the copper pipe coming off old faucet hot and cold water lines attach to, or i am hitting the sink bowl itself! Def wish i was smarter then the faucet installer at this particular moment! :shrug::rofl:

What special wrench? :rofl:

I’m at the point of going to buy a small angle grinder or a high quality dremmel and some bits to cut steel and just chopping the fucker off! I am highly agitated! Feel like this faucet musta been put on before sink was dropped in or i meed something to break it free from the rust! :cuss:
Sinks are aggravating af cuz u all cramped

And ya do what the other guys said
Channel locks or a sawzall only things that come to my mind if all else fails get a hammer :amazon:
and it that fails, a bigger hammer. :crying:
Hey @PinkyNotTheBrain u got any pointers for this rookie on how to get this damn nut off! Its in a mad awkward spot so hard to get a wrench or anything up on it to break it loose so i can finally change this faucet!
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Obv need to break that center nut free but can’t seem to get a wrench on it and then have room to turn it to break it free! U can tell how bad this faucet is leaking! May need to replace that wood but thats for the landlord to pay and have done!
one of these might help, there are numerous on Amazon, and your local hardware store may have other designs.
Amazon product
Holy shit, dam cat just come up and dropped the mother of all thousand leggers in my lap. Am I supposed to act pleased?
yes, of course. Training peeps is such a pain... :crying:
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