Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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They actually passed a law/regulation here in NY several years ago making dumpster diving a misdemeanor charge, something about losing revenue, theft of county/state property! LOL
I don't feel bad about salvaging good stuff from the dumpster of a for-profit thrift store that takes donations and sells them for scrap, probably $0.10 a pound. I got a whole box of professional chef's knives last year that several people are still using. They have a sign near the dumpster, "No Scavenging," but f**k that (pardon my French). If I get a charge for doing charity I'll do the time standing on me head.
They actually passed a law/regulation here in NY several years ago making dumpster diving a misdemeanor charge, something about losing revenue, theft of county/state property! LOL
Totally legal in nj with permission. So no trespassing. Some towns have "bulk garbage" days where you can put just about anything out at the curb and the garbage guys come through with heavy machinery and take everything. Those are usually like holidays to the divers and they'll pick it clean before the garage guys come
Forum Stomper loaded with my new pulsar honeycomb chillium.. about to get ⛽
Totally legal in nj with permission. So no trespassing. Some towns have "bulk garbage" days where you can put just about anything out at the curb and the garbage guys come through with heavy machinery and take everything. Those are usually like holidays to the divers and they'll pick it clean before the garage guys come
Around these parts we have to take our garbage into town to the refuse station, unless you pay one of the local guys to take it for you, and that is just household trash, no big stuff.
Grav and pulsar are made out of the same glass... i like this one...and pulsars a chillium fits in my pocet and easy to use on the go...
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