As I am grinding up Double Bubble to replace my one hitter Container's weed, This weed is actually more frosty on the inside.............. And it's close to being the avalanche on the outside!
These are fairly dense nugs, but they're not
rock hard. I'll bet that Gram for Gram, the amount of cannabinoids is pretty high.
I hadn't Any since the dry, so I'm testing a little bit of this cured. It doesn't slap you hard like Knows Candy. It's a sneaker. Very very smooth for a hit from a metal one hitter!
My allergies are raging, so I can't tell you exactly what it tastes like, but it's pretty damn good and way different than Knows Candy. it seems to be pretty head dominant at the moment.
I think
when I get back home,........... you see I'm trying to be bit positive today.............. I think I'm gonna vape some in my Herbal Aire.
I'll have me a nice THC/CBD cannacoffee ready when I leave the house. I wonder what country the doctor I'm seeing today got their doctorate from ? It's always a mystery when you go to the VA!
My one Bloodstone droopy girl pot has perked up! No idea what the hell their problem was, but they're still getting SST tonight! I have no idea why that one pot, out of 5, reacted in such a manner. Since it's all three, it's gotta be pot related. By perking up after a period of time that it was overwatering. That's just can't be. At least not my head. They were all the same size and stage of growth as the other pots and they weighed the same as the other ppts.
I don't get it but it is what it is and they're doing better. Still gonna hit them with them hormones!