Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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There's something wrong with me if this is the first place I can think of to post this.

I just figured out how to throw an atlatl. Seriously. I always thought you had to balance the spear on the atlatl foot and somehow manage to throw it without the spear falling off.

But it's actually really easy. You put the foot on the end of the spear and pretend it's a hinge - fold it over so that you're holding it parallel to the spear, with one hand. Thumb and forefinger. Then when you throw it, you let go of the spear and hold onto the atlatl. it's just a natural motion but you're throwing it five times harder.

Cannabis. That's how they figured it out too!
Good morfnoevight all you happy Thursday Live Stoners!

I have now done carbs on one snowblower, two chain saws, and one weed whacker in the last six months. And I used to have to regularly do the carb on an outboard motor which would screw up after storage over the winter. For a while, I had to pull the carb every bloody spring, but I eventually figured out to flush the entire fuel system with paint thinner, leave the thinner in there over the winter, and flush with gas in the spring. That sorted it nicely.

With luck, all the carbs in my life will now outlast me...
I use Sta-Bil in the fuel of all my small motors and it prevents varnish from forming. The generator is over 23 years old. It does not get used often now as I do not go camping and it is just back-up life support. It will run my swamp cooler or the heatalator fans on the fireplace insert plus a couple of lights in a long term power outage. I service it every other year. But this year it will not run properly without the choke in use so tine to rebuild that carb.

We took a trip to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo this morning. It has become a world class zoo and I should make the trip more often to support it.

Here is a few pictures.


You really need to watch out for these Animals!

Yo stoners I did end up sending @Twenty20 Adam a PM about ordering direct and you do get some freebies and get to pick them at checkout.. Plus he told me to let him know and he'll have them hook me up then to top it off he gave me a coupon code to use and share around site :d5::vibe: So for any one looking to order some Twenty20 gear here's a code for 15% off:headbang::woohoo:

Coupon code: AFNTwenty20

15% off
please share freely. We'll keep this open indefinitely
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