Son and daughter just got a new ev Volvo, he says he cant wait to take it on our vacation together next summer, 1000 miles, and he needs to recharge every 250 miles, I told him I aint waiting for his ass. I'll see him at the beach house.
It will be a while before full electrics work well on long trips. New battery tech looks poised to help, but then we need distributed high speed chargers.
Right now what makes the most sense to me is the plug in hybrid cars that will do all the local stuff on full electric with an overnight charge at home, but then travel independently and efficiently on long trips as well.
When I was a kid, I picked cherries for a job. When my buddy and I were hired, I asked if the boss minded if we ate some. He split a gut laughing and said something like no problem. My buddy and I spent some time on the throne before learning our capacity limits. By the third day, not many cherries went into the pie holes. I figured out why the owner was not worried.
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