Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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This was Dales entry in the last derby! ;)

Spoiler alert… he didn’t win! :shrug: :rofl:

So far so good. The early summer was nasty and I was worried - we had friends under evacuation order, but the fire that was near their place was brought under control. However, where we live got lucky because for the last month we have had intermittent cooler weather with some showers which has calmed things down a lot. Earlier in the summer, the northern half of BC where I live was on fire, now it is the south. The damage in west Kelowna is huge and continuing. I think I heard a report of over 1000 structures burned so far and still out of control.

The good news for me is that if the shit avoids the fan here for the next couple weeks, we should be ok for this summer. Next summer will likely be worse though due to full El Nino influence. The summer was just the beginning of the El Nino part of the cycle. My fingers, toes, and eyeballs are crossed. I'm still debating whether to leave when ordered or stay to defend. With tools and an escape plan, staying might be an option. Our place is seriously vulnerable because we have conifer trees near the house, and shingle roof, etc. However, we have a swamp adjacent and healthy deciduous forest on the other side of the swamp. I think that the swamp and deciduous forest is very low risk for burning, so I could boogie in that direction - if there is air to breathe...

Interesting summer. :pighug:
We have been lucky here as well. The lake protects us from the north, but the other three sides are Boreal Forest. On the plus side, I have 11000 gallons of water in the swimming pool and a 2 inch pump and fire nozzle. I'll fight if I have to. So far the fires have been mainly farther north and west. We have had a lot of fires around us in the last few years but this year we have been getting a fair bit of rain and less lightning.
Thanks, @Lil Dab! Does it make me a cheapskate if I take a refugee family to the thrift store, then while they're in there I go around the back and dive in the thrift-store dumpster?
That might do it... Except methinks the refugees purchases might be on your dime...

Maybe not cheap, just different priorities eh? :rofl: :pighug:
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