Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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This is a call to arms for my fellow veterans here!
A fellow veteran sent me this video last Friday. It was after I had made a delivery of my my care package to my disabled veteran friend in Dallas. I wish that he had sent it to me earlier in the day. I had to stew all weekend with this running through my head. I did call senior members of the veterans group that helped me when I had the tree visiting me in my living room last November. They were just as shocked, alarmed and angered after watching the video and assured me that they would contact veterans group in the Dallas area to see what assistance they can give this man.

Monday morning arrives and 8:00 I am on the phone to the director of the Dallas Veterans Administration. Fancy that they weren't in their office Monday morning at 8:00 AM, but I left a detailed message with their secretary. I called back and got the head of the VA police. I expressed to the man my anger and my disappointment in the treating of this veteran by men under his command. I told him that conduct like this is not tolerable! I reminded him that his men violated the Constitutional Rights of a man that has put his life on the line to defend those same Constitutional Rights and that has physically suffered from that!
I reminded him that his men made fun of a man that defended his and his men's Constitutional Rights. I informed him that I will be submitting Freedom of Information requests into their personnel records and he better have proper training listed and reprimands issued by him on this subject. I told him he better have special training for the black officer that had his hand on his gun and ready to shoot this Decorated Disabled Veteran! ............ Watch what he does with his hand when the veteran makes a remark about it.
I got a butt load of cop-speak from him trying to explain his men's actions. I plainly said to him that there is no possible reasonable explanation, that is legal, for their conduct. More cop speak came from his mouth! I told him that I thought this line of conversation is getting nowhere and that he is just blowing me off. I'll let him know, that if i don't see those entries into their records cool I will do my damnedest to get a huge group the very unhappy veterans protesting outside the main entrance and we will tell be public through the local and hopefully nationwide news media of your treatment of this decorated Veteran. "You do what you feel you need to do.", was his reply.

I'm taking this issue to heart! Not only am I offended by the treatment of my brother, but this easily could have been me. I have parked many times in the exact same place where he was. I have had his goons surround me, just for asking questions on who was in charge of packing these wheel chaired veterans awaiting transportation at the entrance of the hospital altogether during the height of the pandemic, with no social distancing whatsoever. That time a call to the directors office got action quite quickly. I went to that same parking garage and actually got to discuss it with the director.

If you are a veteran, this video will anger you. If you are a civilian it should anger you.
This man is not crazy nor delusional. He suffers from a brain trauma while serving in the damn Sandbox.

If you feel like helping this man monetarily, a go fund me site has been set up.

I donated the money that I had saved up from my budget to get an alcohol extraction machine. I've got three months to make that up before I can utilize it anyway.

This is not political in any form or fashion and let's try to keep it that way, please.
We haven't seen @arty zan either this summer............he's normally in posting his guerilla grow.......then out when the shrooms bloom...........

He showed briefly this spring like he was back around but then went MIA quick :shrug::karmacloud:

Thanks Mossy happy caturday to you as well :pass:
Me Too @WildBill means the mornings are getting darker......................:yoinks:.........I Wake with the Light.............
My circadian clock used to be reliable as hell and highly accurate! It sure as hell isn't now!
I'm pretty sure some of it is due to age, but I think the majority of it is because i'm not working my ass off all the GD time!
It definitely wasn't an unusual occurrence for me to wake up 5 minutes before my alarm goes off. Many times I was there in Nana land, that place where you're halfway sleep and halfway awake, and the alarm fully brings me out.
Back then, when a disruption to my circadian rhythms occurred, all I would have to do is hit some ambien at bedtime for a couple of nights and it reset my clock.

He sure as hell would be nice yeah something like that still worked, but it sure as hell doesn't!:face::oops1:


Good Morfnoevight All you happy Caturday Live Stoners.

I’m headed to get some sandbags. Rare tropical storm heading for So Cal
It looks like it might be headed a little more East than the earlier prediction path. Southern California will be like a disaster film because people there have no idea how to prepare. It has been 84 years since a tropical storm hit the area. I think the most troubling area will be in the desert. 5 or 6 inches of rain (2 years worth) are possible in just hours. The soil out there is hydrophobic and flash flooding will be biblical.

Seeing is believing!
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