Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Gotta love living in the desert
thats a bark scorpion in the light cover above where I’m sittin
The boys in the village where i lived in S.America would cut the stinger off and put the live but harmless scorpion in their shirt pocket. Then while they were chatting up a señorita the scorpion would crawl up their shirt, so they could make the girl jump.
those are the fun ones then i remember playing with, they love being under cardboard outside and when you get stung it just tingles and goes numb not to bad
Nope, not the same ones then. These are the most painful in North America…..and can be fatal in some cases
Nope, not the same ones then. These are the most painful in North America…..and can be fatal in some cases
It is really rare to see them here in the central valley. I can only remember a couple of times.
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