Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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One of my coloured girls gave off a Burn Smell like burning the plastic off copper wire....and it gave off thick smoke like a damp bonfire...:biggrin:

I Had to roll it couldn't have a Covert smoke with it..
I had a Gorilla glue and a Skywalker OG both have that burnt rubber smell. Both are really good smoke and covert ain’t happening.
if I haven’t found me mom by July. Im going to grow Hindu Kush for a year. :baked: :pass:
Thanks Mossy, guess that i'll have to try the rep thing out on you and waira!

Give it a go for Practice....and don't Worry about doing anything Daft.....coz I'll have done it before you........ :biggrin:
Yup, SoS and the rules don't apply in this matter what the manuals say...Florida has always had strict rules.....remember they changed one word in the rules and it made us a lot of money.....should to shall.......from recommendation to requirement in one little change. Was recommended that dry powder extingiushers be emptied and the powder inspected every 6 years, which no one did....changed it to a requirement.
Why do people NOT understand the word SHALL?

That was a good change on dry systems!
I had a Gorilla glue and a Skywalker OG both have that burnt rubber smell. Both are really good smoke and covert ain’t happening.

We were sitting at the lights one morning coming back from the beach ..I bent into the footwell to light one...and as I sat up in a thick cloud of acrid smoke...I saw a cop car right up out tail pipe.......:yoinks: ..I didn't know whether to Nip it or Eat it......:crying:..but it Had to go.....

if I haven’t found me mom by July. Im going to grow Hindu Kush for a year.

I Always have one Good Steady cross going from F1-F4 that I'm Happy with....and Keep me eyes out for a Special as I roll.
I've never been Always turns up....:headbang:...

What F are you....?...I Like sitting in F3 for mass look/selection.

Then...on the other hand.....Hindu Kush......Yum......:pass:
I'm really pleased with the infused MCT oil from my hash pucks!

It's the absolute best edible I've made so far! More powerful and better flavor than the Green Monster.
I can get some pain relief if I micro dose with my one hitter flower mix. Frosty Meph cross and Asian Haze. Activity IS a MUST!
2fer tuezday doubledose of vitaminz E & B...:headbang: :headbang:

We tend to Use it as a Thank you if someone has Helped you....:headbang:

OR -> for when u find sumthin extremely teachin cucumberz how to smoke weed :face: :crying::pighug: ppp
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