Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I hated doing P & C, Property and Casualty, surveys. I did the survey on remote locations when I had jurisdictional pressure vessels on the properties, mainly boilers, but other objects too. I didn't do many, so I didn't know all the different state fire alarm system requirements by heart.
My 'problem' was that I'd always find problems on locations that I had never been to myself.I got so tired of the SOS I'd hear from the clients, "That's the way we've always done it!" That doesn't make it right, dummy!:naughtystep:
Yup, SoS and the rules don't apply in this matter what the manuals say...Florida has always had strict rules.....remember they changed one word in the rules and it made us a lot of money.....should to shall.......from recommendation to requirement in one little change. Was recommended that dry powder extingiushers be emptied and the powder inspected every 6 years, which no one did....changed it to a requirement.
I'm probably a walking toxic waste site....... when I was a kid, my best friend's father ran an auto wrecking yard. Before they crushed the cars that had been stripped, they burned them........... and we'd strip out the copper wiring. His dad gave of 1/2 of what the copper brought in......... I'm surprised I'm not a walking tumor!
You and me both - as a teen ager, I would scrounge copper wire in the city dump, burn the insulation off it, and sell it to the scrap dealer for, get this, 0.25/lb. It still kept me in fishing gear even at that price. I expect I smelled like burning plastic for a while after a load was delivered. :biggrin:
reminds me of my new hot water tank installation. I am good a pex, but three times in a forking row, the joint to the house pex leaked. I was pissed and puzzled. Turned out that the pex has changed, the stuff I plumbed the house with is a tiny bit thinner in the wall, and it will not seal on standard fittings any more. I could have redone that joint a hundred times, and it still would have leaked. Changing standards can be a PITA. :smoking:
When was the old installed? This old house was fully remodeled A little over 10 yrs ago and I assume that's when it was replumbed.
wonder if the mayo would work in brownie mix or recipe, probably just add less than for the cake?
There is already so much butter in there, I doubt that it would improve things much. The first time I looked at a brownie recipe, I was shocked at the ingredients - no wonder they are so good. :biggrin:
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