Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Gonna have to head up to the local this afternoon to pick up my SB winnings and I'll probably have to sit and have a few......just to be many demands on my time, almost like people like my company or something.
@Suki813 ....:pighug:...I'm with you on the coffee shot in chocolate cake....but have you tried the chilli flakes...?.......:eyebrows:

The high fat content irons out the real you just get a wee bit of Warmth every couple of bites.....:pie:
If y’all want another ingredient for chocolate cake add a cup of Mayo into the recipe! No taste it just makes the cake super duper moist! ;)
2 years after I quit fire equipt and started driving truck got a call from last employer. Had a new install fire alarm system that his tech could not clear the faults from the circuits on a new paint booth. Since he was a good boss and I had a week off before getting back in the truck I drove up to jax to give him a hand....No talk of compensation or anything ( knew him as a fair guy). Met him and his tech there, looked at the parts list, confirmed my assessment with a walk around. Sent him to home depot for 20 bucks worth of 4 gang, 1/2 inch extensions while went to grab breakfast bisquits.....30 min. after he got back was calling fire marshal for final inspection........that particular manufacturer changed parts suppliers and all the new sensors and audible/visual alarms were 2/3 of an inch longer and as a result when you screwed them into the box they would ground to the back of a regular 4 gang had been there every day for 2 weeks trying to get it to work for inspection....saved the tech's job as I explained it took me and my suspervisor a week to figure it out 5 years before and it had been long enough that any service bulletins were basically non existant about it. Got breakfast and 500 for half a days work.
reminds me of my new hot water tank installation. I am good a pex, but three times in a forking row, the joint to the house pex leaked. I was pissed and puzzled. Turned out that the pex has changed, the stuff I plumbed the house with is a tiny bit thinner in the wall, and it will not seal on standard fittings any more. I could have redone that joint a hundred times, and it still would have leaked. Changing standards can be a PITA. :smoking:
They have a brand new motor on the way. Sometime late this eve. The feed wires might be to short. The wire feeding it is three runs of 500mcm copper 30ft. Weighs 1 1/2 pounds per foot. It would take two more guys. Then I could really pencil whip the shit out of them.
Big donk, and big wire. :biggrin: That is some serious copper. I have a hard time imagining the amps it must have to carry. :worship:
2 years after I quit fire equipt and started driving truck got a call from last employer. Had a new install fire alarm system that his tech could not clear the faults from the circuits on a new paint booth. Since he was a good boss and I had a week off before getting back in the truck I drove up to jax to give him a hand....No talk of compensation or anything ( knew him as a fair guy). Met him and his tech there, looked at the parts list, confirmed my assessment with a walk around. Sent him to home depot for 20 bucks worth of 4 gang, 1/2 inch extensions while went to grab breakfast bisquits.....30 min. after he got back was calling fire marshal for final inspection........that particular manufacturer changed parts suppliers and all the new sensors and audible/visual alarms were 2/3 of an inch longer and as a result when you screwed them into the box they would ground to the back of a regular 4 gang had been there every day for 2 weeks trying to get it to work for inspection....saved the tech's job as I explained it took me and my suspervisor a week to figure it out 5 years before and it had been long enough that any service bulletins were basically non existant about it. Got breakfast and 500 for half a days work.
I hated doing P & C, Property and Casualty, surveys. I did the survey on remote locations when I had jurisdictional pressure vessels on the properties, mainly boilers, but other objects too. I didn't do many, so I didn't know all the different state fire alarm system requirements by heart.
My 'problem' was that I'd always find problems on locations that I had never been to myself.I got so tired of the SOS I'd hear from the clients, "That's the way we've always done it!" That doesn't make it right, dummy!:naughtystep:
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