..sharing one.....I saw the crappy forecast.....
How's your eyes.......
What started it....?......

,,i think their is a low pressure in the Atlantic ,,

,,me eyes,,well i was feeling run down when we got to xmas anyways ,,i think i spent new year in bed ,,unless i was here lol, and i got to the point she called doctor ,,so that was kidneys and i got a uti straight after ( oh my god thats the first ,,dammed painfull i was ready to go in hospital when that was going on ,so,,this was probably only over a weeks time ..but its all a fog now,, then i, was startig to feeling on the mend ,started with just itchy eyes,,, ,then i got some drops chemist, as it was not clearing up ,but didnt sort it ,,went docs,,got sent straight to eye hospital,,,basically an infection has scarred my lenses ,,as both eyes affected they bumped me straight in after i took drops for infection and had to go for pictures of eyes blah blah,,so,, i will still need other done but as i got one good one now ,,said will be a while they got huge waiting list,,they replaced the worse one ,,i can still see out the other its just like every thing is hazy like behind some dirty Perspex,but just a blurr if its bright light,,and with both eyes open,, at first was really bad but now its just bright lights that blurr everything up ,,something like that :smoking: