Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Keep an eye on the Fed for interest rate hikes. That's one of the reasons people are scrambling to buy now and at least part of the reason why there are so many offers on his property. Also, not many people realize this, but real estate historically goes in 16 year cycles. So, we are on the cusp of a shit show. 2008 was the bottom of the last barrel.

If long term is the plan, he will be fine. Everything is market specific though. Florida is crazy right now!
Yeah the possible increase in interest rate is the biggest reason I jumped on this as quickly as possible once he told me what the problem was.
I Think you are Wise @WildBill ....a house isn't sold until the money is in the bank....also..Cash is King.

Plus.....must admit.....I'm expecting a bit of a market crash while we get out of the covid shadow....and find a New Normal........:pass:

No chance of fitting a Trailer on your land.........?..........I'm Thinking if he doesn't move in it would make a great grow room....:crying:...
I'm not really expecting a housing market correction this year here in the US, at least in our market. Well the market has been pretty warm here, it's nowhere near the hot beds in other places.
I had thought about installing a trailer well before this came along. It was going to be either for my son's family or me and have them live in my home. For good or bad, my daughter-in-law screwed that one up! The only problem with that would be the need to install a separate septic system or if it's small enough just tie into the current septic system.
I think a grow room built in the shop will draw far less attention and since I'm in the country, no permits are needed. And probably even more important, no increase in fucking property taxes. I've got to pay that crap this month! :grrr1:
we dont even bother with birthadys ,xmas,,,
BTW.....did anyone get a card.......?.........hubby doesn't believe in it......:crying:

we dont even bother with birthdays ,xmas,,,anything,,,:shrug:,,no cards even ,,, i bought her a new coat,,boots and new home furnishings ,when she needed them ,what more can i do lol
Happy valentines :smokeout: guys and girls.

Just needed to say that there is ALOT of job to do to clean up our City’s!

Look at these armatures that cost us tax-payers multum!



Old-school HPS! At least 150w each.... They could use LED (~30w) and save plenty of our tax-money. Go out and look in your citys guys, there is a lot of dollars that goes -
“up in smoke” lol :crying:

All the best my friends, I just got a new free-time job that i probably will get payed for.
I hate taxes, but for the right reason I’m happy to pay my share to keep the city clean and safe.

Oh - in my future city there is well driven healthy cannabis growing everywhere.

i been reading up on local geology ,,,,i managed to find a university thesis on the very subject and a hnc course with a field project for the local area i live,,,why you ask :eek1:,,
well i was wanting some rocks for my new project ,,and fck if i paying for them,,so i need to source particular ones that are aquarium safe,,been quite intresting really ..
Hey @hairyman some thing to look into also if you haven’t. There are some easy home DIY tests for rocks. Can’t remember what you use but do remember finding a good video when I was looking into same thing for my aquarium.
Brownies did not at all taste like weed, not sure if it was cause of the dark chocolate or the coffee beans.
brownies with coffee beans in them. Now I can see how that might work well. :biggrin:
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