When I Hit it....I went straight into the staff room and said...why did no one Tell me that canna does this....?.....I couldn't Believe I hadn't been told about it.
Then I looked about for homework on it......None......

Why the obsession.....?.....

...the nerve damage I've got is gonna come back to something genetic.
I got it first....from an accident...my Mother got it second...from a double hip transplant.
I Know my pain killers would help my Mother....but Years of trying...led to no acceptable/practical way for her to take it.
She can't/wont inhale....

..I've made joints....I bought her a snoop dog vape pen.....Street Cred huh...?...
I shipped her bud..it got intercepted.....

she could grow it..no prob...she can grow any plant...

...she's got green fingers...but getting her to process and take them was a nightmare....
If I could have told her...grow the plant..when your pain gets bad...go rub a bud....sit down...scrape it on your teeth and wait......
She could have done that.....and I could have saved her years of pain and pain killers........

So now I Need to Know the whys and wherefores.....

...and I'd appreciate all the Help I can get.
Can you Imagine how much we could revo;utionise med treatemnt if we could just give med users a Pet Pot Plant...and say just watter it....

....when your pain gets bad... Rub It...and that was it....?..
#stoners ..I was Higher on
#FingerDabs than I had ever been...in my Life......and it is almost Instant.....so why are we harvesting..processing...curing........

...if we don't actually Need to just to get
#Stoned as an old hippys cat.........?