@Nannymouse Night Owl drop coming this week Nightowlseeds.com
**May 17th at 10pm Eastern.** *Unfortunately due to compliance regulations with my new card processor I will not be able to post descriptions on the site. I am looking for a work around, but wanted to give you a heads up now. There should be something for everyone! Here is the tentative list:*
Compton Qoolaid- (Electric Qoolaid x Creme de la Compton F3)
CPT OG- (Marathon OG F3 x Creme de la Compton F3)
Divinations- (Pre 98 Episode 1 F4 x Wizard’s Apprentice F5)
Grape Deebo- (Sour Stomper F4 x Creme de la Compton F3)
Harvey Wallbanger- (Orange Diesel F4 x Cookie Smasher)
Instant Classik- (Pre 98 Episode 1 F4 x Marathon OG F3)
Magic Castle- (Wizard’s Apprentice F5 x Creme de la Compton F3)
Microverse Morsels V2- (Blue Microverse F5 x Milk and Qookies)
Mondo Smash- (Cookie Smasher x Creme de la Compton F3)
Outlier V- (Outlier C x Vanilla Fizz)
Scoopski F2- (Purple Scoops x Wizard’s Apprentice F4)
Space Station Gold- (Cosmic Queen F4S1 *Super Sativa Pheno* x Vanilla Fizz)
Spice Melange- (Outlier Z F3 x Mango Isle)
St. Expeditus- (Zamaldelica Express F4S1 *Purple Carrot Pheno*)
Strawberry Milk and Qookies Remix- (Bruce Banner 3 F3 x Milk and Qookies)
Strawberry Popesicle- (Popesicle x Cookie Smasher)
Vacation Bubba- (Pre 98 Episode 1 F4 x Mango Isle)
Vanilla Fizz F2- (White Stomper V1 x Sour Hound) X Cosmic Queen F4
*What a long strange trip it has been. More throwback posts to come! Thank you all.*