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Now CBG does ring a bell.......... :pass:... but I'll have a Google when the kids go.......

All Thoughts gratefully received...:biggrin:... I've been thinking about it for 3 years....:headbang:... and I haven't explained it yet.

I Honestly thought that it might be coming off the pistils because of how I gather it..but @Waira says not the same Trics on the pistils...
:smokeout: Hi Aunty! ... well actually there no trichomes on the pistils at all, though those little villi projections do look a lot like the trich stalks. But the pistils job is to hook up a pollen grain on it's surface, and those little projections help facilitate that. There's nothing glandular in a pistil...
We do know there are 3 main types of trichomes (cystoliths aside; those are the spikey pointy ones) -->

... and they will have different cannabinoids and terpenes in them which will vary as well at different stages of maturity.....
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