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I agree with Frank and almost guarantee it’s plant material and other undesirables. The cleaner my dabs are the less chazz I get. Also noticed a difference in bangers it may also be the dabs but different brand banger acts differently

I am not a dabber (cant smoke ANYTHING) and all these terms flying around make me feel like I stepped into a pub in southern London. Can hardly understand a word of it, but I think I get the general idea of what is going on.
Flower rosin is always going to burn black. If it's actually chazzing and staining the nail even after cleaning it, it means your heating it up too hot. Using the glob mob after each dab will continue to keep it clean, like I've said before gotta waste it to taste it. If you don't have a puddle after each dab your dabbing way too hot. And if you're reheating a puddle after a dab that's another no no.
Months of abuse and my nail still looks brand new.
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I’m not an amateur smoking the things just pressing it! And i have an IR thermometer i keep with my torch and i pay attention to how hot i get the banger! Usually it takes 3 rounds of heating it to over 500 before it gets dark and stains the banger but this stuff before the banger has cooled down on first round it goes black….and i mean black black! Not dark ass brown like overheating does at first!
Ya but it does it in the banger and the porcelain coil in the carta! Guess I need to try to press some more and not smash the puck so small! And i know about dabs going black from overheating them but this is almost immediately it will turn black! I'll load some and get a pic here in a bit!
You said you had a blow out right? If so there's your problem along with over pressurizing the puck anything over 1000 mpsi you get plant material back for flower that is :lildab::pass:

I am not a dabber (cant smoke ANYTHING) and all these terms flying around make me feel like I stepped into a pub in southern London. Can hardly understand a word of it, but I think I get the general idea of what is going on.
You said you had a blow out right? If so there's your problem along with over pressurizing the puck anything over 1000 mpsi you get plant material back for flower that is :lildab::pass:

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No I didn’t say that said i wondered if i had 1 and didn’t notice cuz of the way the stuff burned! Also i have no idea what my pressure is without a gauge thats why i said it was possible i got 1 and didn’t notice!
The stuff i pressed if it causes the bowl to chazz up super quick is that from me not realizing it and having a blowout and getting plant material in the rosin?

No I didn’t say that said i wondered if i had 1 and didn’t notice cuz of the way the stuff burned! Also i have no idea what my pressure is without a gauge thats why i said it was possible i got 1 and didn’t notice!

You should notice a blow they're pretty easy to see. I was just going off what you said above so if you didn't have a blow out like you thought you did it is probably from over pressurizing :shrug:
I’m not an amateur smoking the things just pressing it! And i have an IR thermometer i keep with my torch and i pay attention to how hot i get the banger! Usually it takes 3 rounds of heating it to over 500 before it gets dark and stains the banger but this stuff before the banger has cooled down on first round it goes black….and i mean black black! Not dark ass brown like overheating does at first!
You weren't dabbing when I started on this site so technically your still in the minor leagues bro lol. Ive been dabbing consistently since 2011/2012. I was here when you got your set up remember? I've gone through my fair share of mistakes but I have never owned an ir thermometer and still took me quite a while to chaz a nail after years of practice lol.
Once @Lil Dab introduced me to cold starts over a year ago I never chazzed a nail again. I also rotate my nails every few sessions. Just trust me when I say, you aren't dabbing right if your nail gets stained. Sure, you are dabbing heavy but your nail should last you months if not years and still look brand new if you were doing it right. Only reason i have to buy new nails now is cause i break them. Not hating on you at all, just telling you like someone told me years ago when I started doing it correctly. You will learn young Padawan.
You should notice a blow they're pretty easy to see. I was just going off what you said above so if you didn't have a blow out like you thought you did it is probably from over pressurizing :shrug:
Yep…. At some point you start getting all sort of nastiness…. You can see it on the paper mixed in with the good stuff, especially if you do separate presses. If I over do it you can for sure see what I assume is chlorophyll and lipids start to flow into the lighter material….
Guess i may need 1 too cuz flies get on my nerves! I will spend 20min chasing one around with a flyswatter til it lands where i can whack it!
The pattern in the kill range is about the size of a dime with Kosher salt and smaller but more lethal with the medium grain pink salt. Kinda like going from bird shot to buck shot in a shotgun. You would have to be a much better shot than me to hit one out of the air.
You would have to be a much better shot than me to hit one out of the air.
I mean, have you practiced? Seems like a dab session with the door open will give you a target rich environment for practice. I bet you can get pretty good after a while.

If not, it would probably still be a fun way to spend an afternoon…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab:
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