Is it now too much to ask for a little bit of common sense in today's society?
And please, let me preface this by saying, I am talking about
common sense with a Walmart employee.
Yes! Good old WallyWorld!

My last stop in shopping yesterday was good old Wally World . I was trying to see what a new window fan would cost and to pick up some more clamshell clips . Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone . Well, I saw that they had some Shiner 19O9! So It went into my basket. I hate self checkout but I only had a few items and those lines were long for cashiers. So asking the few items I had and the beer being the last. The lady working this F checkout came over and done her thing verifying Me purchasing alcohol........................... or at least that's what she started to do. This lady asked me for my photo ID.

I looked at her funny and asked her to repeat herself. "I need to see photo ID." she repeated. So in a slightly elevated voice I asked, " So you need to see my photo id to verify
I'm old enough to purchase it?"......................... As I stroke and smooth my longer than All of ZZTOP's beards............. that is all

Well obviously not even remotely one of Einsteins prodigy, I sort of had some expectations of some semblance of intelligence in her reply with me stating the quite evident obvious. And quite naturally, she underwhelmed my expectations.
"It's our policy."
Well, I did give her a chance!

Well it wasn't my public orator voice, you hear me quite easily.............. Probably by most of the people in the checkout area.

But I was not unruly loud.
" Do you think you could manage get together all three of your Three Stooges brain cells together at one time and join us for this conversation?"
" So you're telling me that you have no discretion into whether to ID me in this self checkout and you must see my ID?
Little miss simple oopa Lupa replies, "Yes"
" Whoops! Where is Moe? That sounds like a Curly answer to me! I asked you to gather
all three of your brain cells together at what's ...... Right here!" ................ As I point down.
" Is that too much to ask?"
I get blank stairs.................stares too!
" So once you've gathered the troops, please have a conference and one give me an answer to this question."
"If you have no discretion, why don't I get asked for my ID every time I go through a cashier?"
"So..................What's the verdict? Has Moe finished his slapping around bit? Has the committee come to a conclusion?"
"I need to see your photo ID."
I chuckled and shrewd and said, "Oh tay Bankey!" and walked off.
I was right in front of the customer service center but I didn't want to take the chance of the one that trained this brilliance was actually in the back and was management.
I didn't want to take a chance of this turn south in ruining my high, up until this point I was laughing about the whole thing. How else can you react to something so
damn stupid? Well, at least how can someone that is
high react to something this stupid. I'd much rather laugh than get angry.
Was that cruel to whatever this was that approached me? I don't think so. I think that was pretty damn minor, considering what level of stupidity I was exposed to!
It really didn't piss me off until I got out to the parking lot and think about where I have to go before I get home and trying to at least halfway get some of stuff done that I had intended to accomplish.
So as I'm leaving the parking lot I'm calling to talk to a manager. After about 5 minutes of waiting,I was determined to see how long it would take to get to talk to somebody . Not necessarily wanting to talk with anybody if I eventually got someone though after waiting such a long time. I never had to make that decision. No one ever picked up the phone. Kind of sounds like that Walmart is in dire need of good management.
Now just think of what the outcome would have been if the person attempting to buy beer was drunk alcoholic. I highly doubt the outcome would have been anywhere near the same. I'm not like most Drunks. I really don't drink that much And about the only time I would ever fight if there are Marines involved. Then it's fun!

Its instances just like that that make me think this movie is our future!

Everything above his factual and actually occurred yesterday. I'm being a little bit satirical today.
Funny thing is I probably could have made a pretty damn viral video yesterday if I just had pulled out my cell phone. The reaction from quite a large selection of the customers was quite amusing.
When little Miss Bazarro Brainiac,
Superman comic book fans will get that one, Doubled down on seeing my ID , I heard a mixture of laughter and moans from different people . Almost made me bust up laughing !
But I figured valor was better part of discretion and did not push the issue considering the possibility of how intelligent, or the lack thereof, the management may be, giving what I'm dealing with with their prodigy.
It definitely would have been a funny short video!