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Mother's Trick.... when you start perving after the nurses.. you are well enough to be discharged... cough cough...:yeah:.. #JustSayin...

You in for the weekend....?....
Im not sure. They just started the blood thinners so im guessing that means im not having the spinal cord surgery. At least not immediately.
That was me it’s 1.5 gallons for 41$ usd shipped of 99%
No idea where i got the Canadian dollars from! Guess the nonstop flow of dabs has begun to melt my brain! :shrug::haha::crying:
Good Day my AFN friends.......time to finish what you're doing and ease into the weekend. Time to get the greenhouse cleaned and prepped for the season here. By the looks of things we are a couple of weeks ahead with the weather. Still three feet of ice on the lake but it's starting to get that rotten look.
Should be ice out by mid May at this rate. We desperately need some moisture though as we didn't get near the normal snow pack this winter. Probably be a bad year for forest fires again. Have an awesome weekend folks.....smoke em if you got em..... :smokeout: :pass::jointman:
Nice... I was just looking for a link I had yesterday......:doh:... while I was homeworking...and come across Grandma's little medicine....

Cannabis steeped in alcohol....:biggrin:... they were using it to rub into arthritic joints.... I'm tempted to try mine like that.

Since I haven't had a drink in over 3 years... it has been sitting in the pantry......:headbang:
That is it @Mara Cachafa ... :bighug: ... Cheers.. the one I was reading was Mexican....but exactly the same....:headbang:
The first place I used the rub on my hurt joints it was from a Mexican woman when I was still working in the kitchen at night. It was hit n miss on joint pain but it works wonders on those chronic muscle pains, like rubbing it on my shoulders and triceps after scrubbing pots n pans all night worked every time. Just melts
I woke up in a recovery room the size of a walk-in closet. They sent my wife in to sit with me, and she was not a happy camper, cause i was let'n um rip like there was no tomorrow. Not to mention, I dont think I was ever so hungry in my life. The prepping is no fun either, drinking that gallon of juice and living on the porcelain throne for a day.
Been through it three times, likely not again given that I am old and still clean. Good luck with the test results. :biggrin: :bighug:
Im not sure. They just started the blood thinners so im guessing that means im not having the spinal cord surgery. At least not immediately.

I wouldn't let you outta the bed until I figured out what the hell was going on with your back... :pighug:

But yeah.. normally 4-7 days for the thinners to leave your system before any operations.....
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