My 24 year-old neighbor here in the ghetto had me take photos of her lying in a twisted position at the bottom of her attic stairs so she could sue her landlord. One of the top ambulance-chaser law firms took on the case. They sent her to a crooked doctor who gave her a neck brace to wear. She wore it for a couple of weeks, but took it off at night so she could try and make money as a stripper at the clubs. That didn't work very well, because she had emotional problems and would cuss the guys out before she could sell a lap dance. The club required her to get at least 5 guys to buy her drinks, and by then she was too drunk to perform very well on the pole. The injury case didn't get very far either. Now she's 45 and works as a school bus aide.
So…. I’m a young idiot stationed on a ship that’s getting ready to deploy at the beginning of the war.
I got into a wee alcohol related incident (read: bar fight lol)…. And my punishment was to work nights needle gunning the deck of this long P-way, and then lay down fresh non skid.
One night while working, about 2am, I hear this loud bang and a blood curdling scream. I go running to find the source of the scream and find this young lady laying across the frame of a water tight door, with an obviously broken leg…so I grab a phone and call away a medical emergency…..
Long, long story short…..
She said the ship took a roll while walking through said door, and it slammed, breaking her leg…. Except we were tied to the peer in San Diego (and this was a massive ship…)
In the end it would come out that she didn’t want to make the deployment, so she talked someone into smashing her FEMUR with a sledgehammer, against the door frame.
She damn near lost the leg between the shattered bone, and the tissue damage. Plus she got a bad conduct discharge, which excluded her from any benefits….