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Let's go to the Casino gonna try my luck. See ya stoners later :peace:
good luck buddy. I had some awesome luck last night. This is from ten bucks. Made it all the way too 500. Off ten bucks. And hit up too 200 on two other machines from 10 bucks. And I got to meet mick foley. And yes Im aware of my face in the pic. Its legal here and now you put a face to a name. Im not hiding anymore
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I don’t watch wrestling anymore but i have lived in DFW my whole life and we used to go to the sportatorium in Dallas back in late 80’s early 90’s and saw tons of huge stars when they were first starting out! Same arena the Von Erich’s owned! I still give my nephews iron claws to this day! :eyebrows::crying:

Did you go to the casino just to meet him?
So this is what happened. I was at my buddies house where I keep my plants. He told me that mick foley is coming to wrestling I can get you in free and if you help setup the ring and take it down free pic with him and a signed 8x10. So yes we went there to see him but there was also A maw wrestling match. There Midwest allstar wrestling.
Had a cleaning lady come today to clean since the whole house is covered in spackle and tile dust and it's the wife's birthday. So figured she should get the day off and I could score some points. This chick has been here all day and the wife won't let me fuck up the kitchen until she's gone, however long it takes. :doh:Pretty sure I can hear these steaks calling my name from inside the fridge
So this is what happened. I was at my buddies house where I keep my plants. He told me that mick foley is coming to wrestling I can get you in free and if you help setup the ring and take it down free pic with him and a signed 8x10. So yes we went there to see him but there was also A maw wrestling match. There Midwest allstar wrestling.
Lmao to this day i have a vivid memory of being at a match and Iceman King Parsons came walking by up to the ring and my grandma took off her slipper and starting hitting his ass with it! That place could get rowdy af back in the day! :shrug::rofl:
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