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Got some fireflies in my back yard tonight. Seems there there's way less of them then there used to be when I was a kid :pass:

Do they spray for mosquitos there? It's like a disco around here. In SC where I was, they spray for mosquitos and it wipes out the fireflys
Now we really need a puke emoji!
Got some fireflies in my back yard tonight. Seems there there's way less of them then there used to be when I was a kid :pass:

me luv firefliez :biggrin: they've been out in the eveningz here for the past week or so :joy: they used to not come out til around the first of july, but we've seen tempz in the 90'z sooner than uzual theze past couple yearz, so....:shrug: ppp
Whoa! Whatever you do, DO NOT google hairy ass. Some things you can't unsee! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Some of us are smart enough to recognize a questionable google search before it happens! ;) :crying::pighug:
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