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Do you have an Ardent? Wonder how they compare. Without looking it up math, seems very similar in capacity 700ml=anout 24-6 oz....don't quote the math! The stainless container looks like a better option than the sleeve on the Ardent
I don’t use either in my fx i just use the infusion press which for straining it! Basically like one used for coffee (forget what its called as I don’t drink the stuff) but lets u strain the oil off the trash and since the unit is waterproof its easy peasy to clean afterwards! U can fit more in it if u don’t use a sleeve during the infusion process and can use enough oil in it that i can half fill a quart mason jar after straining and thats without trying to test the limits on capacity!
ElectroBOOM - one of the best Youtube electronics producers :)

Lmao i literally google searched “unibrow dance gif” and that was the first selection! :shrug::rofl:
I don't have an Ardent, but a friend of mine does. One feature of the H-Brewer that sets it apart is the built in auto stirrer while infusing. It's a super kewl feature, and makes infusing much more efficient.

I don’t use either in my fx i just use the infusion press which for straining it! Basically like one used for coffee (forget what its called as I don’t drink the stuff) but lets u strain the oil off the trash and since the unit is waterproof its easy peasy to clean afterwards! U can fit more in it if u don’t use a sleeve during the infusion process and can use enough oil in it that i can half fill a quart mason jar after straining and thats without trying to test the limits on capacity!

Coffee press...
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