When I was a freshman in high school I was dating a junior that had a 92 Iroc Z….. and she was terrible at driving it…. We were in Chandler, AZ….pulling into the close lane of a busy four lane road. She swung a bit wide and hit the car in the second lane right in the passenger side door (those iroc z’s had that big long nose on them..).
I feel like if you have a cat in the car without being in a cage you are just asking for blood-loss.When I was a freshman in high school I was dating a junior that had a 94 Iroc Z….. and she was terrible at driving it…. We were in Chandler, AZ….pulling into the close lane of a busy four lane road. She swung a bit wide and hit the car in the second lane right in the passenger side door (those iroc z’s had that big long nose on them..).
In this poor fuckers lap (the guy she hit) was a slightly drugged cat that had just been picked up at the vet after getting some procedure done (not de-clawing, unfortunately). This cat freaked….. based on the claw marks…..this cat clawed its way up and over this guy’s bald head, scrambling for traction the whole time…. At some point, it appeared the cat made a second pass diagonally across dudes face before resting back in his lap, clutching this guy’s balls for dear life. There was a good amount of blood from a few places.
Surprisingly, my girlfriend did the opposite of what you would expect. She floored it, deciding she wasn’t going through the hassle of dealing with another crashed iroc (we were leaving a chiropractor appointment from her previous head on collision in an identical car)…. Luckily, the policeman forced cooler heads to prevail, and overlooked the fleeing charge that the bloody cat owner was insisting on…..