If you like sauerkraut, try it fermented the same way. Super good…Saw a new document on sourdough bread. Same source my (published here) recipe originated from but with an interesting set of improvements.
Gonna try it once I get a viable starter going again. If the results don't suck, I will change my official approach to making it.
Meanwhile the verdict is in: Fermented pickles are the way to go. Hands down. The ones with vinegar in the recipe DO work, but its just not the same. The vinegar introduces acetic acid which jump starts the chemical reactions but in my opinion the artificial nature of the process is off-putting. The natural ferment has lactic acid coming into being naturally and doing its thing. The difference in taste is very apparent.
Start growing some dill. You'll want to use it when its flowering, which can be hard to find in the shops. Everything else that you'll likely use as spices do not need to be fresh and tend to keep for a very long time. Also the salt you use should be a pure salt. Look at the ingredient list. If it says anything besides only "salt," it is not a pure salt.
Giving some thought to journaling the process, just not sure if that would be appropriate here.