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In the interest of good science, this is 15 ml in water.....

See you on the other side.

For science.

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Funny back story. My girl will try about anything and has a pretty sophisticated palette for a 9yo..kid loves grapes…but when she first saw black olives, she was like Grapes! and proceeded to mash a few into her mouth.. I will let you surmise the immediate reaction when she found out the difference…:biggrin:

Fwiw it took a long while and many martinis before I acquired a penchant for olives. But i do have it now and the wife does too..:shrug:
like i say to the other nose turner-up-ers… I eat for me and you eat for you. I find that works well for everyone. If u wanna get Fear Factor and eat a bin of Malaysian Cockroach nuts then go do you… I will not be joining in on that buffet. Lolz
Lmao i watched a 30 for 30 today on the Kobayashi and Joey chestnut eating battles and didn’t know Kobi held the world record for eating 19lbs of cat brains in one sitting! :yoinks::nono::crying:
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