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Ham n swiss sliders! :eyebrows::headbang::woohoo1:
Well it's been over two weeks since the people I gave I made a medicine to have received it.

And only one person has reported back and saying that it worked well for them.................... or anything.

That really isn't much of an incentive to share.:face::gassy:

I don't need praise. I use what I give out and I know it's damn good stuff!:biggrin::cools::headbang::headbang:

I need info, plain and simple! Did it help you with your problem? How much did you use?
With flower, What did you like about it, what didn't you like about it What kind of high did it make you nervous did it make you sleepy . You get the jest.

Praise is OK, but I'm trying to do something. The info I gain is far more important!

The more info I have the better I can help.
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