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Good Evening everyone! I was curious, does anyone put their plants in a dark period before chopping? And if so how long and any noticeable differences between no dark period?
I think Dr. Bugbee did a study on that, and found no benefit. Likewise no benefit to flushing, since he says they can continue building bud to the very end as long as they have nutrients and light.
Good Evening everyone! I was curious, does anyone put their plants in a dark period before chopping? And if so how long and any noticeable differences between no dark period?
I did it for a few grows quite a few years ago and didn't notice any difference so I quit.
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God damn that Astro boy!
If you buy the boots, do you also have to wear the black rubber underpants?
Lmao thats exactly what they called em online was astro boy bokts or astro boots! Or big red (ugly) boots….i added the ugly part! ;) :rofl:
@Frankthetank @Buzzard @Mara Cachafa thank you all for the feedback. I was considering it but if there's not much benefit I'll just skip it. :pass: :d5:
Skip it they can have darkness when there drying. Also I believe you run the risk for budrot while giving the plants a dark period and their still transpiring
Good Evening everyone! I was curious, does anyone put their plants in a dark period before chopping? And if so how long and any noticeable differences between no dark period?
nope, never tried it. :pighug:
I meant to say I was gonna Spit if it was a camera phone.............. :biggrin: ..the photo quality is superb......... got camera Envy..........:photog:..

The cameras on my IPhone 14 pro blow my mind. Not long ago, a person would have to own and know how to use professional gear to get images anywhere near the quality that modern phones do easily. There is not much reason for the great majority of people to own any other camera. Mind you, not many more than a third my age do own another camera. :rofl:
It’s Friday I’ve been better have had a massive migraine off and on all week from changing medications

That sounds miserable mate, good luck with it, I hope the pain clears up soon. :headbang: :bighug:
I was abstaining for a while because I needed to work on a ladder but I hurt everywhere so Hit the dabs for some relief. You know how sometimes that can backfire! For a short period of time all of my aches and pains intensified :cuss: I will just dab my way through that shit.

I made "Hamburger Helper" with turkey of course for dinner. I really used to like the boxed kind when I was in college. I am allergic to everything in that box now including the ground beef you add.

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