Pfffft.....I'll tell you what I just told the staffroom...
My tablet took a fizz last froze the after a couple of jab jabs I switched it off.......

...when I rebooted it..the sign in page was locked......

.....took me bloody ages to try to get signed in..the page was just keyboard...
Then I got in...and the screens were all dodgy...tried to get out of something and it started this bloody Voice thing...
I Think it might be google assistant...which Speaks everything you point to....and really slows every function down and gives you freezing screens.....

...the voice Really gets on your tits as well.......

...I was to the point of throwing it against the wall last night..
so I stopped..
But I'm expecting the same problem today..... I may be quiet.....

Now I gotta go coz hubby wants the laptop.....