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Laughing Hyena seeds Dead Skunk Day 47 She's the shortest of the bunch but I think she's gonna have some fat cola's. She was getting thick so I gave her a haircut tonight. Not much skunk smell from her yet mostly earthy funky








Raising up the VPD a bit along with temperature.
I'm having to raise the humidity to 78 on the AC Infinity humidifier to maintain the humidity in the tents that I want.
I'll tweak the AC or the humidifier one increment at a time, let it stabilize and then see if more adjustments are needed.
AC Infinity humidifier Will definitely use up a lot of water at that rate. That new RO system seems to be working quite well!!!

I'm definitely liking my AC Infinity Equipment!


View attachment 1686367
Makes me Wana drop these mangos I got from

#GoNORBY ...:vibe:... Except on the earwax connection....:d5:

When hubby moved in with me my son was 11 and too old to be disciplined by him...but.. you know teenage years could test the patience of a Saint..

So when he used to push hubby too much....instead of yelling at him... hubby would say...if you don't shut up... I'll stick me tongue in your lug..(ear)..

And he'd chase my son around the room trying and slobbering.......:crying:...and my son would run 'round not knowing whether to laugh or cry...

Ah...the good old days... before you could be brought up for child abuse.......:pass:

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