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Played with the new press today, first time pressing more than 7 grams. Pressed about 14 .5 grams at one time of Grapefruit by Linda Seeds. Like this press a lot.:pass::vibes:


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Much better then mine! I tried taping a lens from a pair of glasses over my iphone 13 camera but didn’t work so great! I would see a great view and before i could snap a pic it would do some weird ass zoom and would somehow show the whole sun even the big chunk was already blocked! :shrug:

Hey @Mossy
View attachment 1676130
Ey everyone
Keep tryn to get in the conversation but I'm still having a lot of trouble . Idk what's going on really. Part of it is definitely that i let my back get out of hand and it caused all kinds of problems... Still can't really sleep just discomfort and my feet and face keep swelling up. Sitting here debating wether i have to go into the ER. I feel like I start to get a little better as i get up move around and eat but I'm so exhausted i can't do it for more than a few minutes and I go as long as I can but Im stuck in the circle. I can't get my insurance settled on the online portal because now when I try to sign in it says my account is inactive 😑 been on the hotline waiting... been fuckin with it for over a month, going between phone calls and emails, and o so many telemarketers now. i got DHS to give a letter that whatever ER visit from this point on should at least be backdated to whatever coverage I do end up getting at least.. when im able to at least get up and move i feel like going to the ER is a waste cuz its helps but its really just pain management and being able to lay and not have to make my own meals... Feels like if i stop making and eating food ill hit the time gap of using up all the energy from it then i don't have the strength. Idk just not enough hours in the day or something
Thats my bitchin, lets burn one


:pass: Ay @PinkyNotTheBrain :bighug:...I don't know how you are bearing it.....:shrug:...
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