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This was the Mavs tonight! :eyebrows::headbang::rofl:


Blew their spot up! :vibe:
Maybe the farmer/shepherd din't wan't that one. Maybe it was a boy or a runt and he had bunged it in the ditch hoping some one or something, would have away with it!
Then you and hubby turn up like the shining knights in white satin, delivering the lost goat and farmer is just thinking "oh fuck, the do gooders have found that sodding goat, again!:rofl:

'twould be our luck...... :crying: ...

You don't want a pet goat, they eat cannabis!
That was a 3 foot tall plant half an hour ago!:crying:

Pfft...I have enough with the dogs helping themselves..........:pass:.

Of course you have different coloured figs, why wouldn't you LMAO
Figs being different colours, never entered my head, as you know in the UK a ll figs are one uniform Tesco colour a kind of purply-green!:rofl:

The purple ones are the most common....but can have a kind of snotty/slimy skin.... I'm a bit funny on textures.......:biggrin:...greens and yellows have better skin.

You way of eating them sounds awesome, I wonder if some Balsamic would go with it to, not very Spanish I know, maybe a well aged sherry vinegar?
In my imagination, I am thinking the yellow ones would the best, just pure fantasy but that's what I feel in my gut!

Yup..small dressed salad with them......:chef:.. Lidl do small packets of cured ham for 1euro.. 10 x 2 inch squares...just spot on for brekkie or scooby snacks.....:cooldance:

A bit like lamb you say?
I bloody love lamb, a bit gamey, oh well whatcha gonna do eh? As long as it's well roasted or broiled, it's game on!


You know I am Starving now....?...and I won't be eating until 1pm..........:pass:....pfft.....

I smiled when I saw @Fermented_Fruitz Inheritance the other day....:pass:

I Inherited a Friday lunch time Chinese meal..... hubby used to go out with his friend every Friday.. couple of drinks..nice Chinese meal.. tradition.

His friend died....I inherited the place mat........:headbang:

Friday Used to be peaceful my time...sigh...............:crying:
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