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The volunteers for the next round have shown up too. Rootbeer Float S4 in a 5 gal and Jonetown in a 3 gal. It's a good day.

I mean, we are what we are. I know what you’re saying…. I too, am outside of the norm from not only my generation, but larger society as a whole. I can guarantee you, I’m the only one that’s walked this particular path (but that’s another story) …..

Anyway, the overall point is that non of it matters anyway, or is even real….outside of being a label for age groups.

More than likely, this entire thing was started and fueled by media types at some point to make money…. And it’s still working.

I talked a lot of shit above, knowing damn good and well that none of it was true about the people I was speaking about, but rather to prove the point that the entirety of the generational argument is complete bullshit, on its face. :pass:

Plus, joking is fun:smokeit:
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