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High @Frankthetank :bighug: ....are you.......?.........:pighug:...


I’ve been watering the lawn…..

So basically, alternating between coming inside for dabs, and standing in the yard, letting the sprinkler hit my legs and feet…. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab:
rec'd my Twenty20 mother'z day weekend giveaway beanz in today'z mail :joy:

BUT, for anybody else who got in on the same deal, PLZ NOTE! -> be very careful when opening, becuz the beanz are jus sittin loose in thoze lil boxez & if ur not careful, u'll loze em....i almost lost one upon first opening & i def don't like how they packed em like vialz or lil baggiez or nothin :nono: anyway, i ain't even sure when i'll grow em, but i got em, so...:thumbsup: ppp

Crazy little story time. So I plant seeds every monday. Get my pots ready the night before. Monday after 24hrs in the tent I plant straight to soil final pot. 9 times out of 10 there up by friday. Well little old bum wine shell was to hard. I dug it up friday still solid. Squeezed that bitch between me fingers got a nice crack in 4 days Ill see if any thing is goi g that was friday. By the next day the tap root was out and sunday the bitch was above soil. Damn thats crazy to me.
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