Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I'm going to slowly translate this out into articles on the forum; I put this together awhile back and nearly 200 pages later still never published it.
This thing rips! Holy smokes! I am blitzed, I haven't been able to move for just over an hour, couldn't even use the tv remote!
And too convenient to just flip it on and hit it whenever. Definitely my favorite way of dabbing
I was talking to Suki about us having a "poster" product available on , where we'd have our own "infographics" made up, where you could have a poster-sized print out (or sticker decal, or whatever,) of common "cliff note" things for cannabis growing.
I would buy a poster especially if we could get one of deficiencies my pic won’t upload but think you know what I mean
I would buy a poster especially if we could get one of deficiencies my pic won’t upload but think you know what I mean

That was the idea. Deficiencies. VPD. Stuff like that.
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