Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Nooooice. What u soak in?
2x blue microverse X sour hound and 2 blue microverse X livers! Woulda done 1 of the gnome + night owl beans from raffle but ni word from @Son of Hobbes on how i claim them yet and don’t wanna wait and have 1 plant trailing the rest!
So i am not sure what they are but i niticed some tiny bugs crawling on top of 1 of the carrots in my 2x4! I am not syre what they are but tiny and white! I have had springtails enough to know its not that! These look like tiny white mites and since not sure what they are i plan on just killing them! Wondering if anyone with experience with unwanted pests can tell me which works better….
Option A) General hydroponics/ Azamax

Option B) Mammoth/ Canncontrol

Both say they work on mites/aphids/ and many other bugs but 1 is a mix of corn and thyme oil and other is azadirachtin A&B (whatever that is) but never used either and don’t wanna risk these being a pain in the ass invader and wanna go nuclear and kill em while numbers are low!
It does not freeze here most years, at least not cold enough to freeze the fountain. About once every 10 years it will get in the high 20s for a few nights.

We grow sunflowers every few years and the birds all love them, it is a natural food source.
Ya i miss my sunflowers i grew some of the midnight blue just cuz they were pretty but now that we have some rats in the area the bigger seeds are attractive but the little prairie mice seem to eat them but not til there's nothings left.
It does not freeze here most years, at least not cold enough to freeze the fountain. About once every 10 years it will get in the high 20s for a few nights.

(lucky fuck....hmph :dammit: ppp)
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