Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Nice. Make sure you let that shit dry out. it molds really easy. Just smoke that shit on some weed. You can do the pin under a cup trick but not had much luck with that. And they do sell a hash pipe for just that type.
When we had a port call at Karachi Pakistan we got a shoe box of the strongest hash ever for 20$, we spent 6 days straight smoking from these huge hash hookahs, we barely put a dent in that box before we had to go back aboard the ship.
When we had a port call at Karachi Pakistan we got a shoe box of the strongest hash ever for 20$, we spent 6 days straight smoking from these huge hash hookahs, we barely put a dent in that box before we had to go back aboard the ship.


The contractor I hired to build my master bath was in the navy, and told me all kinds of crazy stories.

He showed me this massive scar going from his crotch to his upper chest. He was stationed in Thailand (I think?) and dumped his local girlfriend. Girlfriend's brother didn't like that, and tried to gut him. He told me by the time he got away and got to someone to help, his boots were full to the top with blood.

And of course heard about him trying to set his friends up with ladyboys at the bars.

The contractor I hired to build my master bath was in the navy, and told me all kinds of crazy stories.

He showed me this massive scar going from his crotch to his upper chest. He was stationed in Thailand (I think?) and dumped his local girlfriend. Girlfriend's brother didn't like that, and tried to gut him. He told me by the time he got away and got to someone to help, his boots were full to the top with blood.

And of course heard about him trying to set his friends up with ladyboys at the bars.
Yup, US Navy, many stories, some good, some not so much. Yup local girlfriends, touchy situations when you get orders back state side....LOL
Yup, US Navy, many stories, some good, some not so much. Yup local girlfriends, touchy situations when you get orders back state side....LOL

My hunting buddy was a navy nurse practitioner. He had to retire early due to some health issues.

And now he smokes weed with me!
U all set @Mossy ???✈️

@PinkyNotTheBrain ...I Think so.......

Hubby is at hospital we've left the day clear incase I Forgot anything.......... :crying:

I even went and got a Crunchie and a small chocolate bar for Comfort on the plane.......but somehow the Crunchie evaporated......:shrug:....I'm keeping me eye on the chocolate....incase that does the same......
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