Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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U shouldn’t use a paper towel! Once taproot sprouts opening the paper towel rips the lil feeder hairs off the tap cuz they grow into paper towel! U can’t see it without a microscope but def not the way to do it! Either soak in a solution for 18-24hrs and go straight to soil or use jiffy pucks to sprout them in and then plant puck!
Got it, for the next one! Haven't had a problem yet germinating or planting seeds but I get you, preventative measures. You all have experience so I believe you, thanks for the pro tip fam!
No ma’am, got Amish in the area… grab some sheep shears! We’ll get-er-done!

:crying: Baaaa...baaaa...barber...........
Well, yep... No shit. 30%+ Always seemed like BS to me.
Well, yep... No shit. 30%+ Always seemed like BS to me.

It's super easy to doctor submitted results; and most labs are ran by kids making $17/hour.
thanks for the reps @One Puff thats what i do 3-5hr soak in kelp and humic 2:5 then straight to final home.. My germination rate is amazing almost 100%

“I wish there was a easier way but so far my best luck has been scuffing them in a sandpaper tube, letting them set in a H2O2 bath for an hour while plunking them down every 15 minutes, and then using the GA3 at a rate of 500 PPM in distilled water with temps at the 80 degree mark from soak to sprout.”
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Well, yep... No shit. 30%+ Always seemed like BS to me.
I always knew they had inflated numbers, the states base taxation off the percentages as well, so there will not be any regulations coming anytime soon to reign in this problem!
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