Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Harvested my first plant over 10 ozs. Only ever grown autos. She was in a five. My girls in 7s got pretty big this grow. Haven’t weighed one yet. Never thought I would get close to a pounder. Maybe I’ll catch the right girl someday.
Which one? I need that?
I bought a futon from a guy on facebook marketplace. I walk in his house, and in the foyer is a boonie hat with pot leafs all over it sitting front and center on a little table. So I say "you have your med card?"

Dude got SUPER weird. Sorry man, maybe don't leave your hat you wear to dead concerts out if you don't want to be asked about it?
Honestly, I don't expect to ever be able to openly talk about my consumption or hobby. I'm a software architect and although I know many who partake, the professional perception is that there's no way an architect could also be a pothead.

Perceptions take too much time to change. History says it takes 2 generations, or around 40 years, for societal changes to occur.
Honestly, I don't expect to ever be able to openly talk about my consumption or hobby. I'm a software architect and although I know many who partake, the professional perception is that there's no way an architect could also be a pothead.

Perceptions take too much time to change. History says it takes 2 generations, or around 40 years, for societal changes to occur.

I'm a project manager. So I have like half a dozen software architects reporting to me, lol. And I'm the exact same way.

Whats particularly annoying is if I show my coworkers any of my other projects, like my garden, or the mushrooms I am growing, its immediately "so where is the weed?"

Like I can't fucking garden without growing weed?
Just because I grow food mushrooms I have to be growing magic ones too?
Somebody brought me an 1/8 from the rez. We were talking the other day about how the buds from there look unusually hard. Some folks said it looks like the effects of growth hormones (PGA?). These ones have black marks that look like singed. Do they cure this stuff by roasting? Or is it just showing purple?
I even said something to a coworker about it when he made a comment. I explained how hurtful that felt, that that is what they immediately think of me that I would be doing something illegal because I enjoy gardening. I was told I am too uptight. I said no, I am just tired of every time I talk about my hobbies someone has to be like "hurr you like growing stuff, why not weed?"

Of course, they don't know I am actually growing, LOL. But I am extremely careful to not cultivate that sort of image at work. I am very clean cut.

Would you guys/gals want to see some Cultivator Club swag/merch?
Heck ya, though I'm sure I'm not the only one that would apprechiate merchandise being a little more 'subtle' if possible.
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