Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Back to talking about brown bag drying. Looking at bags at the WeSaySo Corp (Also known as Amazon) for grocery bags. There are some that had a 70lb paper weight some 57 and some 52. If you use brown bags in your drying process what weight bags do you use?
And also time to hit a dispensary :biggrin:

Not with coworkers around.

Just going to use those 4 nights to dry out a bit so my tolerance goes down. I've noticed my tolerance has gone way up, I can literally sit at my desk and smoke 2-3 grams at night and not feel much more than a buzz.
Back to talking about brown bag drying. Looking at bags at the WeSaySo Corp (Also known as Amazon) for grocery bags. There are some that had a 70lb paper weight some 57 and some 52. If you use brown bags in your drying process what weight bags do you use?

I’ve just used standard grocery store bags. I’m sure they are the least expensive or lowest paper weight. Like JP1 said yesterday he doubles his bags.
1 day hanging, into sacks 1 or 2 days. If drying too fast into trash bag for remainder of 10 day dry. Just don’t let it get crispy too fast.
I'm going to be there with a bunch of serious buzzkills, and my boss is already giving me grief over spending $100 on a direct flight instead of one that bounces all over the US and goes from 4 hours to 12 hours of travel. If he keeps it up, I'm going to just say no thanks, have some bootlicker do it that will be happy with getting home at 2am after leaving Vegas at 7:30am the previous morning.

One of the people going is a manager that everyone dislikes. She is one of those sort that will do anything to get ahead, including throw everyone else under the bus if it got her even the possibility of an attaboy. She is rude, dismissive, unorganized, and will blame everyone else when things happen that were totally within her control. Her whole team worked 48 hours straight one time to get a big upgrade done, and she pitched a fit that her manager expected her to support her team on a sunday. Everyone else had worked 2 days straight, she shows up, is there an hour or two, and then starts screaming about how this was conflicting with her plans that she had and she had to go get her kid because she didn't have a babysitter. Crazy how everyone else managed to find child care and clear their plans for this months ahead of time.
I’ve just used standard grocery store bags. I’m sure they are the least expensive or lowest paper weight. Like JP1 said yesterday he doubles his bags.
1 day hanging, into sacks 1 or 2 days. If drying too fast into trash bag for remainder of 10 day dry. Just don’t let it get crispy too fast.

I'm currently drying an AK47 and a Fat Blueberry. Both have been hanging since Saturday. They are just now getting crispy.
I cut into one bud and freaked out thinking I had bud rot. Nope, just a lot of very bright white trichomes and resin. I had to look up pics to make sure.

I just trimmed a full quart jar full and it didn't even hardly make a dent. Tomorrow I will be trimming all day. It still a little moister than I would like, but my thermometer says its 72 and 55* RH in the shower where I'm drying it.
@JM here is this monster!!
acapulco gold!!


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