Just saw rest of what was in your post and we already have homemade raspberry jelly and preserves and also have homemade apple butter!
And this is cooking now…..
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Can’t exactly tell what it is at the moment but it as actually peach butter! I am not a fan of peaches but this stuff sells out almost immediately! Just not always ripe peaches available so when they are people are waiting in line to place orders! And cool part is she has 2 diff people nearby (15 min away in the rich town) and 1 person has a humongous plum tree and they gave her a gigantic box full and all she did was give them 4 small jars of product (2 of which were the plum preserves she made with them) and they wound up being sick on Wednesday when moms was gonna go meet them but literally the neighbor to the plum person has a couple huge ass peach trees in their yard and they are gonna do same and give her as many as she wants fir just some product back once finished! Peach tree person is a killer deal cuz think they are like $75 a flat to buy them!