Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Haha all of them only sort of work. My old dog got sprayed when we lived in PA….we tried several things, including tomato juice (turned my white pit bull maroon lol, an oatmeal rub (he wanted to eat it), along with some special shampoo. Turns out time, is what works. He smelled like burning rubber for like two weeks.

I’ll find out from the wife but I do remember special shampoo and almost certain baking soda paste was all we used and it took a few times to work and still the smell was there if you smelled her coat for months
turned my white pit bull maroon lol

:crying: i haven't delved into it yet, but a fair amount of the google rezult snippetz i'm seein are sayin a mix of peroxide/bakin soda/dawn dish soap :shrug: i much prefer Gracie to be able to run free, but to be safe, i'm jus gonna hafta walk her on a longer leash for a while i guess, cuz a lotta directionz we take are next to treelinez and/or bushez & sure enuff, she'z liable to see/smell sumthin that i don't & will take off like a shot for it before i even know what'z happenin :doh: thing is, with the babiez, they'll take all damn summer to grow up & take off sumwhere else....ahh! :wall: life in the country....:face:ppp
  • 1 qt. 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • ¼ c. Baking soda
  • 1 t. Dish detergent

    Mix all three ingredients together then, wearing rubber gloves, shampoo the mixture into your pet’s fur and around its claws. Let it sit for only five minutes. Rinse your dog with tap water. The hydrogen peroxide and baking soda get rid of the smell. The dish detergent removes the oil. Note: The mixture won’t keep, so make it only when you need it. Afterward, shampoo your dog normally so it smells like its old self again.
:crying: i haven't delved into it yet, but a fair amount of the google rezult snippetz i'm seein are sayin a mix of peroxide/bakin soda/dawn dish soap :shrug: i much prefer Gracie to be able to run free, but to be safe, i'm jus gonna hafta walk her on a longer leash for a while i guess, cuz a lotta directionz we take are next to treelinez and/or bushez & sure enuff, she'z liable to see/smell sumthin that i don't & will take off like a shot for it before i even know what'z happenin :doh: thing is, with the babiez, they'll take all damn summer to grow up & take off sumwhere else....ahh! :wall: life in the country....:face:ppp
So, the town in PA we lived in was infested with skunks. You’d see several in the neighborhood a day during the summer. At some point I realized the old Dead Head neighbor was trapping them, in his yard with a humane trap. He eventually told me he was taking them a ways away and releasing them.

Fast forward a year….. I get up wicked early to walk the dogs….I’m coming down the block, and hear a Dead live show playing. I get closer and see the following:

This man is sitting in his truck listening to the Dead….truck is running. He has his shopvac hose affixed to his tailpipe, running under a tarp and he’s asphyxiating skunks.

I’m like…WTF dude…..he starts telling me after getting sprayed about the 30th time while moving them, plus he thought he was catching the same skunks over and over (the cat food was probably a bad idea for bait lol). So he decided to start doing this….he begged me not to tell the rest of the neighborhood lol
update -> the more i read about this whole skunk spray thing, and as much as i don't want to, i think i'll jus nip it all in the bud by goin to buy a nice long lead for Gracie & walkin her that way for a while....again, i hate the idea, but -> better safe than sorry, so.... :shrug: ppp
update -> the more i read about this whole skunk spray thing, and as much as i don't want to, i think i'll jus nip it all in the bud by goin to buy a nice long lead for Gracie & walkin her that way for a while....again, i hate the idea, but -> better safe than sorry, so.... :shrug: ppp
She won’t mind….dude’s never really off leash outside of the yard due to all the problematic wildlife around. Better to keep our friends safe. Besides, they don’t really care honestly.
This one’s getting a little ridiculous :)

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