Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Babe is this why you love Hardee’s @InkAddict$ lmao 🤣 🤷🏼‍♀️ hmm 🤨View attachment 1608146
Speaking of anus beef, this Mundari boy got the job of blowing air into the cow's anus to stimulate milk production:
Hey @Frankthetank - While I see ol' @420Forever trying to swindle you into some prime real estate with a great sales pitch... legal growing, cheap space, not too bad winters, no scorpions.... but..... What about the tornados?
Yeah, I mean….they exist. So do hurricanes (been through a couple) earthquakes (yep) , severe hot weather (obviously), cold snaps, ice storms, nor’easter (both the wet kind and the white kind)….etc. weather happens all over….preparedness matters. Nothing is set in stone, obviously….I’ll take everything into consideration. But if I find a spot that ticks all the boxes….then that’s what I’ll pick more than likely. Storm shelters all come standard with a six foot bong, correct? Who’s down to “hot shelter”….(like hot box, but more dire) :rofl: :bong:
If you could live anywhere?...Where?
Well there is no perfect place for me, I like to SCUBA so tropical island. It does not have seasons and the heat would get to me. I don't like to shovel snow PERIOD. It is too damn hot here in the summer but the rest of the year is ok. I would like to have a place over on the coast to get away in the summer. I just need to win the lottery.

Ms. MOG and I were out for our evening walk and we observed a Red Tail Hawk take a Dove down mid air. At first, I was not sure what I was seeing but then realized what we had just seen. The Hawk taking dinner to it's chicks.
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