Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I’ve had it happen a few times with music.. I thought it was cause things were slow and I was clicking too fast too many times so when it caught up it didn’t know what to do and reloaded page with a blank box :doh::shrug:.. I also make sure not to refresh before posting to see other posts other wise it disappears
I’ve had it happen a few times with music.. I thought it was cause things were slow and I was clicking too fast too many times so when it caught up it didn’t know what to do and reloaded page with a blank box :doh::shrug:.. I also make sure not to refresh before posting to see other posts other wise it disappears
i noticed it does it with music too, wonder if it has anything to do with the adblocker on the site, maybe every once in a while it trips out cause its not able to play the add? :shrug:
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