But that was the purpose of my whole post that u jumped in kinda late to, you can't negate others experiences (in this case, mine) because yours is different.Okay, well like I said beforemay take flack for stuff that's not necessarily their fault, doesn't mean I didn't have gnats in my Fox Farms soil. And since they use worm castings, there could absolutely be gnat larvae in there when it is produced. Yes could have been the grow shop storage I'm aware. Just trying to point out that you can't just negate other people's experiences because yours has been different.
Same way that I can't say 100% that the gnats were in the soil when it was bagged, in order to prove your point that everyone who complains about these issues is a liar you would have to buy all of Fox Farms supply, open every damn bag and check them all for gnats.
The original conversation was about not starting in hydro for a new grower. Which led to me basically saying I think fox farms wouldn't be a bad first time medium even tho people here who I see have mad bugs are talking shit of fox farms for having bugs. Which again goes back to what you said..