Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Day 12 and 85% of their time has been outside then under a TS600 for a few hours through the night.
16th is the day I dropped the seed into soak.
U ain’t lying! I have done lots of drugs in my life but can gladly say that is 1 drug i have never touched not even once! :thumbsup:
I can say only once! But wasn’t the junk these days… ‘Twas real crystal breaking bad style. And only that one single one. Ruined my whole night… and next day! Lol
That's my initial thought. And N tox, is almost always the likely culprit causing Calcium lockout.

That was my first thought too tried looking real hard for dark waxy leaves but didn’t see any but did look like a slight claw starting it was hard to see so didn’t want to say anything :shrug::condom:
been feeding her just clyde by cronk like i did with my sour stomper. but @N/A-Greengo might be right. i was slacking on cal mag pretty much the whole grow till last week lol. was putting off ordering a new bottle and when i got it i was like ehhhh shes doing alright. but last week i got a hair up my but to feed her cal mag. so nothing else other than that. ph has been between 6.3 and 6.5 the whole grow as well. except today i lowered it to 6.0/6.1. its only my second time using this brand of nutrients too and sour stomper was sensitive to it where as this one always seems hungry. i have a pk booster i usually add in around this time but didnt wanna freak the plant out with a boost and lock her out even worse lol.
FFOF, I wouldn't bury cat turds in that crap, just my opinion from years of bad experience in the Infirmary... I don't trust their quality and consistency as far as I can throw a fart...
Some get OK bags, others don't, depends on where you got it and the local sourcing these days it seems...
Usually, it's badly low pH with it, dolomite aside... which BTW, is the slowest acting for of lime there is...
Your water source is a factor too, that is, it's hardness/CaCO3 content. CaCO3 isn't very soluble in neutral pH water, dolomite is more resistant to dissolving than other limes as well. Point is, Ca may be around, but not in ionic form which is the only form it get taken up in!
it's the carbonate CO3-- molecule that's involved with pH buffering, BTW, not Ca++.... it snags a free H+ up, becoming HCO3- (bicarbonate)...
>>> The other side of the coin, over use of CaMg which kicks off a shit-show of antagonistic uptake issues...

pH is being measure how? Actual in-pot pH is the data that matta', and from a good pH probe made for this purpose... Don't lower any pH inputs for now...

Symptoms could pass as Ca or P defc., they are kind of a bitch to diagnose... As a general trend, finer spotting at mid to upper level leaves is Ca defc. (however it's being caused-- lack of, lock out, pH )... Remember, Ca is immobile within the plant, it can't be translocated from established tissues to newer growth, etc..
P is mobile, will show on lowers usually first and worst, with larger more splotchy necrotic patches vs Ca....

What nutes you using?

Have you checked out the Infirmary's Defc. Pic Depot? 2nd page there's charts/graphs that help explain things some,...

here's a couple more-->
antagonistic uptake

>> this is a general nute demand chart showing what the girls want, how much and when generally speaking...

nute chart APTUS.png
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