1st attempt at this. Tips and suggestions always welcome. :toke: Took everything I didn't want to trim and threw it fresh into my chest freezer a week ago 296 grams minus 36 for the bags, so starting with 260 grams of fresh frozen 55 degrees and low humidity in my garage. 39 degrees outside...
So I've got a bunch of really leggy seedlings outside from lack of light the 1st couple weeks. I'm pretty sure I can bury them and the stems will grow roots... Anybody know?
When I was starting out growing a couple of years ago, a live stoner told me I could add soil up to the level of the cotyledon, but since these cotyledons are a mile high that wouldn't be practical. I haven't seen @RastaDaniel in quite a while, guerilla grower in Norway?
1st attempt at this. Tips and suggestions always welcome. :toke: Took everything I didn't want to trim and threw it fresh into my chest freezer a week ago 296 grams minus 36 for the bags, so starting with 260 grams of fresh frozen 55 degrees and low humidity in my garage. 39 degrees outside...
My buddy called his buddy this morning that works at the local cold storage and they don’t carry/sell it anymore Going to have to expand out further then my small town.. That was the only place that may have had it close to home
My buddy called his buddy this morning that works at the local cold storage and they don’t carry/sell it anymore Going to have to expand out further then my small town.. That was the only place that may have had it close to home
When I was starting out growing a couple of years ago, a live stoner told me I could add soil up to the level of the cotyledon, but since these cotyledons are a mile high that wouldn't be practical. I haven't seen @RastaDaniel in quite a while, guerilla grower in Norway?
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