So I've got a bunch of really leggy seedlings outside from lack of light the 1st couple weeks. I'm pretty sure I can bury them and the stems will grow roots... Anybody know?
They may…..or they may damp off. I would just do my best to support them and hope for the best until you get to a point where you’re ready to make a selection.
They may…..or they may damp off. I would just do my best to support them and hope for the best until you get to a point where you’re ready to make a selection.
I'm trying to grow all the females out and hopefully a male or 2. Guess I've got plenty of time to get them squared away but outdoor plants always make me anxious since nothing is ever smooth outdoors here
I'm trying to grow all the females out and hopefully a male or 2. Guess I've got plenty of time to get them squared away but outdoor plants always make me anxious since nothing is ever smooth outdoors here View attachment 1599433
I kinda think if you try to bury a portion of the stems, you’ll lose some of them. I would just let em rock if possible….maybe get creative with some support if you can come up with something.
Licensed to Ill is easily a top 10 album for me. Fantastic from start to end. Was the go-to tape anybody could play in anybody's car no matter what kind of music they liked
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