Metallica was louder.........back in '92....or coulda been '91, but that was a lotta bong hitz ago, so....they played 2 showz in one night at the spokane opera house, which sat 2k peepz....both showz were basically free, becuz all ticketz for both showz were given away on the radio....i went to the first show, GAWD!!
...i been to a lotta showz in my time, but that was without a doubt the LOUDEST fuckin show i've ever experienced, handz down!
..................of course, part of it maaaaay have been the downright killer white blotter i was trippin ballz on at the time, buuuuuuut -> i digress
all i know is my earz rang & i couldn't hear jack shit for 2 straight dayz afterwardz, lol
, i was lucky enuff to get Eric & Buck'z autographz after the show (a whole other story...
), so....