Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I've had ulcers from when i had pancreatic stones, and they say there's no signs of them:shrug: Ulcers were pretty targeted pain too , less widespread
Ive got a lot of scarring on my pancreas (actually in the waiting room for a CT scan right now). It causes similar symptoms to what your describing,often now the doctors kinda shrug because my blood work comes back basically normal and they attribute it to nerve pain. Or they just assume I'm eating like shit and/or drinking again... sorry you're dealing with that. One of the worst parts is not having any answers or solutions.
i just know stress will make them flare up only reason i asked. all the love going out to you today! hope you feel better or at least figure it out. change your diet hardcore and you might be able to figure it out and shake whatever it is thats doing this to our growmie. :bighug:
That's what I wanted to maybe suggest but I don't like to over step my boundaries telling others what to do. I do know glyphosate hurts people's organs. It's sprayed on wheat to kill all the wheat plants they need to be dead to harvest them so to do it all at once with a big machine they spray the whole field it's best to just eat organic and whole foods in my opinion. Maybe look into the Paleo diet. I used to be way worse off before I changed my diet way more than cannabis ever helped. glyphosate is also sprayed on soy canola and cottonseed they made the plants resistant to it so they don't have to weed a hundred acres just kill all the other plants. Then you eat it. Everything has soy canola or cottonseed in it. The other oils still cause inflammation. Your best using organic and or grassfed butter/coconut oil or avocado oil for cooking really high quality olive oil for salads not cooking because it's gross. Most health problems in my non medical profession opinion come from diet and that's the hardest thing to get people to change. People are so defensive about what they eat and want a magic pill or solution whether the doctors know this or not and just choose To give a pill instead of changing a whole lifestyle. Because lifestyle is hard people will easily take a pill but won't give up what's bad for them. Even cigs alcohol etc nevermind food and we need food to live making it one of the worst addictions. You can stop alcohol you can't entirely quit food. It's a hard road because it means making all your own food or paying crazy money for pre made food. There is only one restaurant I can eat at and a salad there is fifteen bucks because they use all organic ingredients olive oil people are shocked when they have to pay for extra dressing well they are using the best ingredients so. Even if they say olive oil most restaurants cut it with canola because they are trying to save money. It's like they're drug dealers lol. It really sucks the quality of our food especially in America but until people refuse to eat garbage it will never change because the big corporations aren't giving up their profits and will only change when they don't have a choice
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That's what I wanted to maybe suggest but I don't like to over step my boundaries telling others what to do. I do know glyphosate hurts people's organs. It's sprayed on wheat to kill all the wheat plants they need to be dead to harvest them so to do it all at once with a big machine they spray the whole field it's best to just eat organic and whole foods in my opinion. Maybe look into the Paleo diet. I used to be way worse off before I changed my diet way more than cannabis ever helped. glyphosate is also sprayed on soy canola and cottonseed they made the plants resistant to it so they don't have to weed a hundred acres just kill all the other plants. Then you eat it. Everything has soy canola or cottonseed in it. The other oils still cause inflammation. Your best using grassfed butter/coconut oil or avocado oil for cooking really high quality olive oil for salads not cooking because it's gross. Most health problems in my non medical profession opinion come from diet and that's the hardest thing to get people to change. People are so defensive about what they eat and want a magic pill or solution whether the doctors know this or not and just choose To give a pill instead of changing a whole lifestyle. Because lifestyle is hard people will easily take a pill but won't give up what's bad for them. Even cigs alcohol etc nevermind food and we need food to live making it one of the worst addictions. You can stop alcohol you can't entirely quit food
I think I may have developed a gluten allergy (got a rash, that gets itchy when I eat bread along with gastro issues). Eliminated it from my diet last week and my gut pain is way less, mood elevated, and way more energy.
But yeah I think that, given my limited diet and how expensive and generally unavailable good organic food is in my area, I'm going to turn my whole yard into a garden. At this point it's for the same reason I started growing my own cannabis. If the healthcare system can't help me, I gotta do it myself.
Ive got a lot of scarring on my pancreas (actually in the waiting room forna CT scan right now). It causes similar symptoms to what your descrivinf,often now the doctors kinda shrug because my blood work comes back basically normal and they attribute it to nerve pain. Or they just assume I'm eating like shit and/or drinking again... sorry you're dealing with that. One of the worst parts is not having any answers or solutions.
Sounds exactly. Im worried im just gonna start passing out from pain like before.
I think I may have developed a gluten allergy (got a rash, that gets itchy when I eat bread along with gastro issues). Eliminated it from my diet last week and my gut pain is way less, mood elevated, and way more energy.
Makes you fat anyway or it's easier to get fat. Plus the gluten of today isn't the gluten of a hundred years ago. They bred a wheat with more sticky gluten there is gluten a b c and d just like delta 8 9 etc thcv. thru atomic gardening. We have local brands here without glysposhate and they do sourdough. But plants you can't eat raw have anti nutrients which make them harder to digest so fermentation helps with that but it may be better to mostly avoid then all together the doughy pizza didn't use to exist that's all stretchy. That's modern wheat. I'd look into Paleo/raw vegan. Not a medical or nutritional professional just what I've found
So far i have determined that not caffeine but coffee specifically at the wrong time can make it worse i take it this would not be an oppurtune time to offer u a cup of....

....hmm-? :coffee: ppp
I think I may have developed a gluten allergy (got a rash, that gets itchy when I eat bread along with gastro issues). Eliminated it from my diet last week and my gut pain is way less, mood elevated, and way more energy.
But yeah I think that, given my limited diet and how expensive and generally unavailable good organic food is in my area, I'm going to turn my whole yard into a garden. At this point it's for the same reason I started growing my own cannabis. If the healthcare system can't help me, I gotta do it myself.
i get that on my face it looks like stress induced eczema but found out it was from gluten. it started once i started eating better and ate some guilty pleasures, my body was rejecting it.
i get that on my face it looks like stress induced eczema but found out it was from gluten. it started once i started eating better and ate some guilty pleasures, my body was rejecting it.
Totally, I had been just eating a lot less gluten because my doc told me to try cutting down refined carbs. Then I made an amazing blueberry rhubarb pie at work and had to eat some! Rash started after that
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